
On each side of the river stood the tree of life. . . . And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations. (Rev 22:2)

email statement

On June 26, 2015 a team of missionaries from Elevate Church in Monroe Michigan will travel to Choluteca, Honduras to work with the Grand Commission Church to build a home and share the Gospel. The team will be working in the Brias del Rio area serving and being served while on mission. The team will share our experiences and how God is changing our lives on this blog.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Needs vs HOPE

Yesterday was our day five in the field. We arrived in the morning as usual the family was already hard at work preparing the job site for our arrival. The girls and I had a plan already in place that eventually we would be taking the two small children down to the river to bathe. We brought colorful towels, travel size body wash shampoo and conditioner. We were anxious to brush out their  beautiful hair and see what they thought about using product for the first time.

It soon would be in that although the little girl loved being in the river the little boy was not such a big fan. His mother had a very perplexed look upon her face, as he cried. As he exited the river, he fell into my arms and warm towel. It was then that I realized he had a fever. He clung to me and his little body seemed exhausted.
I carried him back to the website and his home and was able to get him some much needed fluids, and love on him the best I knew how. He drank The first bag of water against my chest without lifting his tiny mouth once. Another team member Adam who had graciously donated his SpongeBob towel sent from his children, had brought an apple from the morning breakfast. Oscar eagerly received the bites of the apple meat as though he hadn't eaten in quite some time. 

Through interpretation we were able to conclude, each morning I arrived there was no sign of food that had been cooking or cooked. There was no evidence in the afternoon that supper was coming. Wendy, the Mom said there was a serving of rice in her cupboard and two eggs. 😔 my heart broke...💔 a sick child, a husband working day and night at the river for two dollars a day sifting sand, empty cupboards, and yet smiles never leaving their faces and a blessing of a lifetime receiving a new home. How conflicted I felt in that moment for them. The irony was immediately after finding this out it was time to load the bus to come back to the mission house for lunch. 😏 I left her with all my packages nuts, granola bars, and seeds. I hoped the little bit of nutrition I had extra in my book bag would be used to feed her family. 

I boarded the bus with an heavy heart and filled mind. Luckily I'm blessed with a leader who heard and didn't just hear my story and after lunch made the decision not to wait till the end of the week to present the family with supplies but to ACT in Jesus. He arranged for us to be able to go and get the pots and pans we would be delivering to the boys and girls houses at the orphanages as well as getting groceries and supplies for the family. 
^John aka fearless leader and I unloading supplies...(after a very interesting day trying to find a Lowes for a drill bit.) lol justttttttt kidding it only took four stops at "hardware" stores . 

Thank you Lord for my team and all of our generous sponsors. It wa because of all your hardwork and dedication that we were able to make this trip so successful! 
Serena Major ✌️💗🌻

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